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"Making computer systems transparent is our business."

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The mission of Transparent Systems is to develop reliable and robust applications that seamlessly integrate into your business operations.

This mission is best accomplished with open technologies like Java, Linux and Open Source.

An increasing number of companies outsource their IT requirements.
We can provide you with a quality solution in a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the costs normally required.

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Transparent Systems develop web applications for Linux and Windows.

Our services include custom applications, rented web applications, on site installation of Linux servers  and turnkey projects.
We deliver your system in time and according to your specifications.
After delivery of the system you get three months support, free of charge.

Our clients range from small and medium size companies to multi-nationals like insurance companies, banks, financial institutions and internet companies.




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© 1996 -2008 Transparent Systems Limited. All rights reserved.
Revised: 30 December 2008