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TS Quote
TS Quote is a quotation package for the building industry, for example an Aliminium Fabricator.
After setting up a product profile you can create a quotation for a customer in no time. The quotation can be send by email as a PDF attachment to your customer, saving time and money.
Several features set TS Quote apart from the competition :

  • Runs on Windows, Linux, MacIntosh, or any platform with a Java Runtime Environment.
  • The quotation process can be automated by means of a product script.
Companies from any size can use TS Quote. The quotation process can be either manually, fully automated or anything in between.
For a Flash demo of TS Quote please click on the following link : Macromedia Flash demo of TS Quote
If you want to preview TS Quote, please send a message to Preview TS Quote

TS OOVBW is an object oriented Visual Basic code generator for MS SQL Server.
TS OOVBW gives you the best of both worlds: an object model for easy navigation of your database, while having the speed of your relational database. You can now rapidly develop web applications as TS OOVBW takes care of the SQL statements.
This product creates your Visual Basic classes, HTMLhelp pages, web pages for reference tables and creates the COM component.
The generated code is optimized for web applications. 
In combination with Visual Interdev web development becomes a breeze. You do not have to create complex SQL statements anymore as you can easily navigate through the object model.
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VB Workbench for Access 2000
VB Workbench 2000 is a Visual Basic code generator for an MS Access 2000 or Visual Basic project. During design of an MS Access database it generates a dictionary. The database can be linked to other databases, like MS Access, MS SQL Server, FoxPro etc. You can generate IO modules, form modules, standard and class modules. This is in general 90% of the work. As a programmer you only have to concentrate on functions that are specific for the project. IO and validation code is ready to use. If there are changes to the database later on, just generate the code again.
The code is automatically exported to an MS Access front-end.
In case of a VB project the code is exported only. Programmer needs to import files into project.
The programmer has a choice of generating ADO and DAO code. ADO is the database technology used in Internet projects.
You can use ADO code directly in ASP pages.
 Alternatively you can encapsulate the code in a COM object, thereby protecting your intellectual property.
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Revised: 30 December 2008