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TS OOVBW is an object oriented Visual Basic code generator for MS SQL Server.
TS OOVBW gives you the best of both worlds: an object model for easy navigation of your database, while having the speed of your relational database. You can now rapidly develop web applications as TS OOVBW takes care of the SQL statements.
This product creates your Visual Basic classes, HTMLhelp pages, web pages for reference tables and creates the COM component. All from 1 single from.
The product has been optimized for web applications. 
In combination with Visual Interdev web development becomes a breeze. You do not have to create complex SQL statements anymore as you can easily navigate through the object model.
TS OOVBW allows us to develop web applications without writing a single SQL statement.  Best of all it considerably reduces development time with 50% or more. Maintenance time is sharply reduced as well because your system is developed with a well defined object model in stead of idiosyncratic SQL statements which can vary from programmer to programmer.
TS OOVBW hides the complexity of your relational database behind a simple object model. It can handle even the most complex relations such as intersection tables with multiple links.

Product Details

Operating system: Windows NT or 2000
Purpose: Create object model for relational MS SQL Server database for easy navigation, reduce development time and maintenance costs.
TS OOVBW lets you develop systems without SQL statements.
Requirements Windows NT or 2000
Visual Basic 6.0
MS SQL Server 6.5 , 7.0 or 2000
SQLDMO on client PC (client component of MS SQL Server)
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Price US$ 45
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Revised: 30 December 2008